MOTO G AS EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH NEW DELHI: Flipkart , an e-commerce website that partnered with Motorola for the Moto G as the exclusive launch partner in India, has now announced that it will soon launch Moto X in the country. Unlike Moto G, which is targeted at budget conscious buyers, Moto X is a high end Android phone and is likely to cost around Rs 25,000. Flipkart on its Twitter page said on Thursday that just like Moto G, it would launch Moto X with some exclusive offers. While Flipkart did not reveal a launch date, the phone is likely to be available for purchase before March 20. In answer to several queries from its Twitter followers, Flipkart said that in India Moto X will launch without Moto Maker, an online tool offered by Motorola in the US. Through Moto Maker, customers can customize the Moto X before Motorola shi...