Its official. Google has disclosed its plans to build smartwatches based on its Android mobile operating system. It has announced Android Wear, a project open to software makers to create apps for the watches, putting Google at the forefront of efforts to jumpstart the nascent wearable computing market. The first smartwatches to come powered with the new wearable mobile OS are from LG and the now Lenovo-owned Motorola . LG will be building the first Google watch, dubbed G Watch, slated to launch in the second quarter. It will be followed by Mototrola's Moto 360 Android watch that is likely to launch sometime in summer this year. The LG G Watch is a square shaped simple watch built of plastic. It comes embedded with an LCD touchscreen. According to LG, the watch has been designed in close collaboration with Google, and does not carry the Nexus branding. A statement released by the CEO of mobile communications for LG reads, "LG would pull out all the stops in both design and e...